OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
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OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Trazim svuda al ne nalazim pa rekoh da otvorim temu...
radila sam OGTT test, i glukoza i c-peptid su ok, ali insulin je posle 2 h 35 (gornja granica je 27). posto mi je dr trazio taj test pitam se da li moze da ima (i kako) veze sa neuspelim implantacijama odlicnih embriona posle ET?
Naglasavam da ne mislim na vezu insulinske rezistencije sa policisticnim jajnicima, jer koliko znam-nemam ih-dr do sada nisu to konstatovali, ali mozda moze na drugaciji nacin da spreci trudnocu? ima li neko iskustva sa ovim? i kako se regulise taj problem? pretpostavljam hranom, kad je opste zdravlje u pitanju, ali kad je reprodukciono zdravlje u pitanju mozda ima jos nekih pomocnih sredstava? sta su uopste uzrocnici? stres? nesto drugo?
radila sam OGTT test, i glukoza i c-peptid su ok, ali insulin je posle 2 h 35 (gornja granica je 27). posto mi je dr trazio taj test pitam se da li moze da ima (i kako) veze sa neuspelim implantacijama odlicnih embriona posle ET?
Naglasavam da ne mislim na vezu insulinske rezistencije sa policisticnim jajnicima, jer koliko znam-nemam ih-dr do sada nisu to konstatovali, ali mozda moze na drugaciji nacin da spreci trudnocu? ima li neko iskustva sa ovim? i kako se regulise taj problem? pretpostavljam hranom, kad je opste zdravlje u pitanju, ali kad je reprodukciono zdravlje u pitanju mozda ima jos nekih pomocnih sredstava? sta su uopste uzrocnici? stres? nesto drugo?
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
evo da unesem i vrednosti:
glukoza 4.89 0' ref (3.33-6.10 mmol/l)
glukoza 4.72 120' ref (3.33-6.10 mmol/l)
insulin 4.28 0' ref (6-27 uIU/ml)
insulin 35.0 120' ref (6-27 uIU/ml)
c-peptid 1.4 ref (0.9-7.1 ng/ml)
glukoza 4.89 0' ref (3.33-6.10 mmol/l)
glukoza 4.72 120' ref (3.33-6.10 mmol/l)
insulin 4.28 0' ref (6-27 uIU/ml)
insulin 35.0 120' ref (6-27 uIU/ml)
c-peptid 1.4 ref (0.9-7.1 ng/ml)
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Uhhh neno, ja ti se bas ne razumijem u ovo, kad su meni radili taj test, bilo je bez insulina, tako da... Valjda ce neko da se nadje da zna tematiku...Nema nam nase hodajuce enciklopedije -nable, vec bi ti ona to objasnila
Orline- Broj poruka : 11716
Godina : 52
Location : Beograd
Datum upisa : 05.02.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
da, da. nablica ili anuska nase enciklopedije!
al nabla je u guzvi s poslom, a anuska ceka da ne doceka m!
valjda ce uskoro da nam se pridruze i to sa lepim vestima :)
al nabla je u guzvi s poslom, a anuska ceka da ne doceka m!
valjda ce uskoro da nam se pridruze i to sa lepim vestima :)
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
nena3beba ::evo da unesem i vrednosti:
glukoza 4.89 0' ref (3.33-6.10 mmol/l)
glukoza 4.72 120' ref (3.33-6.10 mmol/l)
insulin 4.28 0' ref (6-27 uIU/ml)
insulin 35.0 120' ref (6-27 uIU/ml)
c-peptid 1.4 ref (0.9-7.1 ng/ml)
zemska ja sam juce radila OGTT i kod mene se kao kod Orline uopste ne pojavljuje insulin u tumacenju testa, kao ni c-peptid...
glukoza 4.5 0' ref (do 6.10 mmol/l)
glukoza 5.8 120' ref (do 7.8 mmol/l)
i jos imam nesto sto pise ovako(a ja pretpostavljam da je nalaz iz urina):
U-Glukoza 0 ref (0 arb.jed.)
ono sto je meni doktorica rekla je da ukoliko je glukoza ispod 7,8 ne moram ni da joj javljam rezultat. Ukoliko bude vise od toga da dodjem po terapiju... t5ako da nemam pojma...
...al sam ti pomogla...
Kata- Broj poruka : 575
Godina : 47
Location : Novi Sad
Datum upisa : 17.12.2008
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
bas se razlikuju analize... nista vise ne razumem...
evo deo anuskinicinog objasnjenja cemu sta sluzi, bice korisno ovde nekome...
"C-peptid sluzi samo za to da se vidi da li je
taj insulin "prirodan" tj. stvoren u telu ili je spolja unet. (Tako se
pravi diferencijalna dijagnoza niskog secera u krvi, kada se sumnja da
je neko sam sebi ubrizgao insulin) Zapravo, C peptid je i mera
stvaranja unutrasnjeg insulina jer insulin kad se sintetise u pankreasu
od njega se odlepi taj C-peptid, i koliko ima jednog - toliko bude i
drugog (mada su merne jedinice drugacije). Da te ne zbunjujem vise Mislim da je ovde samo pitanje laboratorijskih referentnih vrednosti koje nisu standardizovane."
evo deo anuskinicinog objasnjenja cemu sta sluzi, bice korisno ovde nekome...
"C-peptid sluzi samo za to da se vidi da li je
taj insulin "prirodan" tj. stvoren u telu ili je spolja unet. (Tako se
pravi diferencijalna dijagnoza niskog secera u krvi, kada se sumnja da
je neko sam sebi ubrizgao insulin) Zapravo, C peptid je i mera
stvaranja unutrasnjeg insulina jer insulin kad se sintetise u pankreasu
od njega se odlepi taj C-peptid, i koliko ima jednog - toliko bude i
drugog (mada su merne jedinice drugacije). Da te ne zbunjujem vise Mislim da je ovde samo pitanje laboratorijskih referentnih vrednosti koje nisu standardizovane."
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Dakle ovako!
dr mi rekli da ovaj slucaj definitivno ima veze sa spontanim, a moze da ima veze i sa neuspehom implantacija!!! nije tipican slucaj, jer je glukoza dobra, ali insulin blago preko. dobila da pijem Glucophage ili siofor 500mg.
Znaci zene, ispitajte OGTT za svaki slucaj... tako malo i jednostavno se proverava, a toliko moze neuspeha da prouzrokuje, iako je naoko sve u redu...
inace ovaj ciklus anovulatoran izgleda jer 10 dana nema vodeceg folikula a endometrijum samo 5mm. idem za 3 dana ponovo da slucajno ne bude kasnije neki folikul.
dr mi rekli da ovaj slucaj definitivno ima veze sa spontanim, a moze da ima veze i sa neuspehom implantacija!!! nije tipican slucaj, jer je glukoza dobra, ali insulin blago preko. dobila da pijem Glucophage ili siofor 500mg.
Znaci zene, ispitajte OGTT za svaki slucaj... tako malo i jednostavno se proverava, a toliko moze neuspeha da prouzrokuje, iako je naoko sve u redu...
inace ovaj ciklus anovulatoran izgleda jer 10 dana nema vodeceg folikula a endometrijum samo 5mm. idem za 3 dana ponovo da slucajno ne bude kasnije neki folikul.
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
ja sam bila na Glucophage 800 mg, zbog PCOS-a, i ubedjena sam da sam od njegovog delovanja i ostal atrudnjaca...
Kata- Broj poruka : 575
Godina : 47
Location : Novi Sad
Datum upisa : 17.12.2008
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Goca Ivanovic, koliko citam po forumima, kaze da ima veze i daje devojkama da piju kako se bese zove... siofor ili tako nesto. Najbolje je da pitas Maus ona je to pila!
Gala- Broj poruka : 2954
Location : Beograd
Datum upisa : 05.06.2008
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
glucophage i siophor su ista stvar, po sastavu su metformini, samo je razlika u proizvodjacu (kao pentreksil i palitreks)
Kata- Broj poruka : 575
Godina : 47
Location : Novi Sad
Datum upisa : 17.12.2008
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Oocyte quality in polycystic ovaries revisited : Identification of a particular subgroup of women
Our purpose was to assess the endocrine status of women with polycystic
ovaries (PCO) undergoing We and to compare oocyte quality with
endocrine markers of the syndrome, in an attempt to define a
subpopulation with poor quality oocytes. Methods: This was a
retrospective study. Patients were first endocrinologically analyzed:
serum levels of androgens (T, androstenedione, DHEAS), FSH, and LH as
well as glucose and insulin after an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
were recorded and are expressed as absolute values and area under the
curve (AUC). Subsequently, they were followed over a 2-year period in
which patients underwent several attempts of IVF as well as serving as
oocyte donors. Patients were divided into three groups: group I (n = 4)
was women who displayed embryos unable to implant in 15 IVF cycles and
10 ovum donation cycles in which they served as donors; group II (n =
16) was PCO patients in whom IVF (n = 38) and/or oocyte donation cycles
(n = 42) resulted in pregnancies; and group III (n = 13) was IVF
patients with normal appearance of the ovaries by ultrasound. The
endocrine status was compared with the IVF results. Results: There was
no difference among groups in the endocrinological parameters tested,
except for the OGTT which identified women in group I as having higher
serum glucose and insulin levels than patients in groups II and III.
Similarly, the OGTT showed higher serum glucose values in group II
compared to group III. Women in group I were also obese. Patients in
group III were older than PCO patients and needed more gonadotropins to
reach an ovarian response which resulted in a reduced number of oocytes
retrieved. Fertilization was also impaired in group I, in which no
pregnancy was recorded. Conclusions: This study shows that there is a
particular subgroup of PCO patients with lower fertilization rates and
embryos unable to implant. These patients are obese and
nonhyperandrogenic and show derangements of insulin secretion.
Oocyte quality in polycystic ovaries revisited : Identification of a particular subgroup of women
Our purpose was to assess the endocrine status of women with polycystic
ovaries (PCO) undergoing We and to compare oocyte quality with
endocrine markers of the syndrome, in an attempt to define a
subpopulation with poor quality oocytes. Methods: This was a
retrospective study. Patients were first endocrinologically analyzed:
serum levels of androgens (T, androstenedione, DHEAS), FSH, and LH as
well as glucose and insulin after an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
were recorded and are expressed as absolute values and area under the
curve (AUC). Subsequently, they were followed over a 2-year period in
which patients underwent several attempts of IVF as well as serving as
oocyte donors. Patients were divided into three groups: group I (n = 4)
was women who displayed embryos unable to implant in 15 IVF cycles and
10 ovum donation cycles in which they served as donors; group II (n =
16) was PCO patients in whom IVF (n = 38) and/or oocyte donation cycles
(n = 42) resulted in pregnancies; and group III (n = 13) was IVF
patients with normal appearance of the ovaries by ultrasound. The
endocrine status was compared with the IVF results. Results: There was
no difference among groups in the endocrinological parameters tested,
except for the OGTT which identified women in group I as having higher
serum glucose and insulin levels than patients in groups II and III.
Similarly, the OGTT showed higher serum glucose values in group II
compared to group III. Women in group I were also obese. Patients in
group III were older than PCO patients and needed more gonadotropins to
reach an ovarian response which resulted in a reduced number of oocytes
retrieved. Fertilization was also impaired in group I, in which no
pregnancy was recorded. Conclusions: This study shows that there is a
particular subgroup of PCO patients with lower fertilization rates and
embryos unable to implant. These patients are obese and
nonhyperandrogenic and show derangements of insulin secretion.
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Neno ja sad tek videh ovu temu. I ja sam radila OGT test pre VTO ali meni je insulin posle 2 sata bio samo 3, dakle jako mali. Pila sam siofor od 23. 11. 2007 godine i sve do puna tri meseca trudnoce, do 18 jula 2008. Prvih 7 dana kako sam pocela da pijem te tablete mi je bilo nonstop muka, bukvalno 24h, ali posle prodje. Goca, dr kod koje sam radila VTO kaze da zahvaljujuci sioforu sam ostala trudna.
maus- Broj poruka : 14046
Location : Loznica
Datum upisa : 07.12.2007
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
divno! evo jedne potvrde!
maus a jel samo to bio problem? spermogram je bio ok i ostalo?
prirodno si ostala trudna?
jeste pre toga radili neku vto?
maus a jel samo to bio problem? spermogram je bio ok i ostalo?
prirodno si ostala trudna?
jeste pre toga radili neku vto?
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Pored toga meni su i zacepljeni jajovodi, a spermogram je u redu. Radila sam 3 puta VTO - 2 kod Arsicke i jednu o drzavnom trosku u Frontu i niko nije predlozio da se radi OGT test. Onda smo presli kod Goce i ona je na osnovu ne slaganja hormona LH i FSH(Lh duplo veci od FSH) rekla da radim OGTT. I tako ja ostadoh trudna,iz 4. pokusaja .nena3beba ::divno! evo jedne potvrde!
maus a jel samo to bio problem? spermogram je bio ok i ostalo?
prirodno si ostala trudna?
jeste pre toga radili neku vto?
maus- Broj poruka : 14046
Location : Loznica
Datum upisa : 07.12.2007
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Kata ::glucophage i siophor su ista stvar, po sastavu su metformini, samo je razlika u proizvodjacu (kao pentreksil i palitreks)
izvinjavam se ali moram da ispravim
pentreksil je po sastavu ampicilin--tj penicilin
palitrex je cefaleksin-- tj cefalosporin
razlika je ogromna! ja sam alergicna na prenicilin, a palitrex tj cefalosporine smem da pijem.
Tinche- Broj poruka : 6399
Godina : 45
Location : bgd
Datum upisa : 08.08.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
tince ,
mozda je ovo poredjenje bilo ne adekvatno, ali siofor i glucophage su stvarno ista stvar samo od razlitih proizvodjaca. to Goca kaze.
mozda je ovo poredjenje bilo ne adekvatno, ali siofor i glucophage su stvarno ista stvar samo od razlitih proizvodjaca. to Goca kaze.
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
ok je za to dvoje sto ti kazes, ali ne bi htela neko da se zezne uzimajuci u obzir ovo za antibiotike, ipak su ozbiljne stvari u pitanju.
Tinche- Broj poruka : 6399
Godina : 45
Location : bgd
Datum upisa : 08.08.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
ja opet malo da prozovem devojke...
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Neno, koja si tinena3beba ::ja opet malo da prozovem devojke...
Orline- Broj poruka : 11716
Godina : 52
Location : Beograd
Datum upisa : 05.02.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
posto nema posebne teme vezano za implantaciju, ubacicu ovde. zanimljiv tekst.
"Biomechanics May Be Key To Successful IVF Implantation
ScienceDaily (Mar. 5, 2009) — As hopeful
moms-to-be learn, there are important considerations to the successful
implantation of a fertilized human egg. A calm environment, regular
hormonal injections and the timing of the implantation can all affect
the outcome of an in-vitro procedure.
Now a Tel Aviv University researcher is suggesting that prospective
parents and their obstetricians also look at the role that gravity and
other biomechanical processes play in its success. New studies by Prof.
David Elad from TAU’s Department of Biomedical Engineering could help
desperate couples give birth to healthy single babies ― and avoid the
risk of multiple births at the same time.
“I am specifically studying how the uterus contracts before the
embryo implants itself onto the uterine wall,” he says. These
contractions play a vital role in keeping the embryo in the uterus, and
knowledge of its mechanics can indicate the optimal time and site for
implantation. Physical positioning of the woman and the shape and size
of her uterus also affect the results of IVF implantation, Prof. Elad
His recent publication in the journal Fertility and Sterility suggests methods to enhance the success rate of fertility treatments.
The Gravity of the Situation
“We are all subject to the Earth’s gravity forces, and all
biological process must also obey Newton’s basic laws of physics,” says
Prof. Elad, who has been studying the biomechanical engineering of
pregnancy for over 15 years. “Uterine contractions push the fluid
inside a woman’s womb in a peristaltic fashion, which helps sperm reach
the ovum in the fallopian tube. And after fertilization, this same
peristalsis propels the embryo to its implantation site in the uterine
wall. It’s a fluid mechanics issue.
“By thinking about these biomechanical processes during IVF
treatments, we can help physicians, and prospective parents, see better
outcomes,” he says. The chance of finding an optimal uterine position
could be improved through Prof. Elad’s recommendations.
“There is no such thing as a standard uterus,” Prof. Elad adds. “Our
research offers best practices for women of all shapes and sizes.”
Avoiding Multiple Birth Dangers
To increase the chances of a successful IVF implantation, women can
opt for three or more viable embryos to be implanted in the womb during
one cycle. Many, emotionally and financially exhausted, take this
chance even if it means an embryo will need to be sacrificed to ensure
the health of another. Prof. Elad’s research may spare women from
having to make this difficult ethical decision.
“Besides recent reports that IVF babies are slightly more prone to
genetic diseases, there is a general notion that when there is more
than one embryo in the uterus, all the fetuses are subjected to risks
of mild and sometimes severe medical problems in the future,” says
Prof. Elad. “Parents naturally want to avoid this circumstance.”
New Tools for IVF Specialists
Through advanced bioengineering research, Prof. Elad, who is
currently a visiting professor at New York’s Columbia University, is
continuing to provide “stimulating evidence” to the IVF medical
community. He is working on a computer simulation program on embryo
transport in the uterus, in both natural conception or after IVF
procedures, to model how and when artificially inseminated embryos
should be implanted in the uterus."
"Biomechanics May Be Key To Successful IVF Implantation
ScienceDaily (Mar. 5, 2009) — As hopeful
moms-to-be learn, there are important considerations to the successful
implantation of a fertilized human egg. A calm environment, regular
hormonal injections and the timing of the implantation can all affect
the outcome of an in-vitro procedure.
Now a Tel Aviv University researcher is suggesting that prospective
parents and their obstetricians also look at the role that gravity and
other biomechanical processes play in its success. New studies by Prof.
David Elad from TAU’s Department of Biomedical Engineering could help
desperate couples give birth to healthy single babies ― and avoid the
risk of multiple births at the same time.
“I am specifically studying how the uterus contracts before the
embryo implants itself onto the uterine wall,” he says. These
contractions play a vital role in keeping the embryo in the uterus, and
knowledge of its mechanics can indicate the optimal time and site for
implantation. Physical positioning of the woman and the shape and size
of her uterus also affect the results of IVF implantation, Prof. Elad
His recent publication in the journal Fertility and Sterility suggests methods to enhance the success rate of fertility treatments.
The Gravity of the Situation
“We are all subject to the Earth’s gravity forces, and all
biological process must also obey Newton’s basic laws of physics,” says
Prof. Elad, who has been studying the biomechanical engineering of
pregnancy for over 15 years. “Uterine contractions push the fluid
inside a woman’s womb in a peristaltic fashion, which helps sperm reach
the ovum in the fallopian tube. And after fertilization, this same
peristalsis propels the embryo to its implantation site in the uterine
wall. It’s a fluid mechanics issue.
“By thinking about these biomechanical processes during IVF
treatments, we can help physicians, and prospective parents, see better
outcomes,” he says. The chance of finding an optimal uterine position
could be improved through Prof. Elad’s recommendations.
“There is no such thing as a standard uterus,” Prof. Elad adds. “Our
research offers best practices for women of all shapes and sizes.”
Avoiding Multiple Birth Dangers
To increase the chances of a successful IVF implantation, women can
opt for three or more viable embryos to be implanted in the womb during
one cycle. Many, emotionally and financially exhausted, take this
chance even if it means an embryo will need to be sacrificed to ensure
the health of another. Prof. Elad’s research may spare women from
having to make this difficult ethical decision.
“Besides recent reports that IVF babies are slightly more prone to
genetic diseases, there is a general notion that when there is more
than one embryo in the uterus, all the fetuses are subjected to risks
of mild and sometimes severe medical problems in the future,” says
Prof. Elad. “Parents naturally want to avoid this circumstance.”
New Tools for IVF Specialists
Through advanced bioengineering research, Prof. Elad, who is
currently a visiting professor at New York’s Columbia University, is
continuing to provide “stimulating evidence” to the IVF medical
community. He is working on a computer simulation program on embryo
transport in the uterus, in both natural conception or after IVF
procedures, to model how and when artificially inseminated embryos
should be implanted in the uterus."
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Evo ja uradila ogtt test sa 100g glukoze.
Glukoza 4,92 0' (3,33-6,10mmol/l)
Glukoza (iz prsta) 6,48 60' (3,33-6,10)
Glukoza (iz prsta) 5,91 120' (3,33-6,10)
Glukoza (iz prsta) 3,62 180' (3,33-6,10)
Sta kazete za povecanu posle 60'? Jel to mnogo, jel za terapiju?
Glukoza 4,92 0' (3,33-6,10mmol/l)
Glukoza (iz prsta) 6,48 60' (3,33-6,10)
Glukoza (iz prsta) 5,91 120' (3,33-6,10)
Glukoza (iz prsta) 3,62 180' (3,33-6,10)
Sta kazete za povecanu posle 60'? Jel to mnogo, jel za terapiju?
uporna- Broj poruka : 698
Location : Beograd
Datum upisa : 04.09.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Mislim da su ti dobri rezultati, uporna. Sasvim OK
Vidim nisu ni tebi merili Insulin, kao ni meni
Vidim nisu ni tebi merili Insulin, kao ni meni
Orline- Broj poruka : 11716
Godina : 52
Location : Beograd
Datum upisa : 05.02.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
to malo preko, mozda moze da bude signal za nesto. bilo bi dobro da ti dr pogleda...
bas me sto vam ne rade insulin!
meni je glukoza savrsena, ali insulin tako malo izleteo kao tebi glukoza pa mi dali da pijem siofor. ma mora da ima veze. jel mozes da trazis naknadno da ti urade i insulin?
bas me sto vam ne rade insulin!
meni je glukoza savrsena, ali insulin tako malo izleteo kao tebi glukoza pa mi dali da pijem siofor. ma mora da ima veze. jel mozes da trazis naknadno da ti urade i insulin?
nena beba- Broj poruka : 4697
Location : BGD
Datum upisa : 08.04.2009
Re: OGTT test i implantacija (nevezano za PCOS)-br.1
Hvala zenske, dr mi je rekla da su rezultati ok.
Neno, probacu da ih pozovem telefonom i da pitam da li mogu da urade i insulin iz seruma. Serum, koliko znam cuvaju sedam dana, a da li se to odnosi i na krv iz prsta, videcu kad odem.
Radila sam i imunologiju, ali to cu na toj temi, da me ne bi grdili.
Neno, probacu da ih pozovem telefonom i da pitam da li mogu da urade i insulin iz seruma. Serum, koliko znam cuvaju sedam dana, a da li se to odnosi i na krv iz prsta, videcu kad odem.
Radila sam i imunologiju, ali to cu na toj temi, da me ne bi grdili.
uporna- Broj poruka : 698
Location : Beograd
Datum upisa : 04.09.2009
Strana 1 od 40 • 1, 2, 3 ... 20 ... 40
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